Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What a Monday!

Work & Play
What a Monday! We got the phone call about 10pm Sunday night from my Mom informing us that President Hinckley had passed away. We weren't really in shock as we knew of his failing health, but he truly was a favorite. His spirit and humor will be greatly missed not only in the church. Wow, what a difference one man can make! I wished it hadn't been after 10pm, I wanted to call others out here on the east coast that wouldn't get the information for several more hours. It took us awhile to get back to sleep after all of that.
Monday we woke up as usual. I went to the completely unmotivated. It was a struggle for me to get in my hour workout. I did it, but it wasn't the usual. We went home as fast as possible. I had so many errands to run. I had talked myself out of trying to do them with Kelson and Analise. Only because 2 of the dealt with business at the NC Dept of Revenue and the bank. The other 2 I could have handled them. Andrea Larson saved the day! It took me exactly 1 hour 10 minutes to drive as far as the mall and complete all 4 errands. WOW! So that's what it's like with no children. Good thing happened at the bank. I had ordered business checks a couple of weeks ago. I had asked for the small personal sized checks in a basic business like color. They said it would $12.50 for 200 checks. When I get them, they are the business length checks and I only received a book of 50 and the charged me $37.00. Do you think something wasn't right? Because it was their mistake, they re-ordered my checks at no charge, gave me the book they messed up (because they were just going to shred it), and they credited me back the $37.00. That made my day. Another dollar saved! At 2 0'clock, my friend Geri came over to redeem her baby gift, an impression of course. We hadn't talked/hung-out/whatever - in months! So we just chatted the afternoon away. It was Chik-fil-a night for Cade's school. So Mom, Dad, and Tia Lettie met us over there for dinner. That was nice to have some help with dinner. That time of day I'm pretty much done in. It was time to have the other half come home and save you. But.... Cheeto had a conference in Raleigh Monday, Tuesday and an appointment back there on Wednesday. He decided to save time and gas and stay over night last night. I don't know how all you wives that have traveling husbands do it. I so dislike it! (I'm trying to train myself not to use the word "hate"). Even all day yesterday, I was just in this funk because Cheeto was gone. I know he's gone everyday working and pretty close to most evenings studying. But the fact that he was physically out of town and unreachable because he was in meetings ALL day and visiting friends all evening made for a sucky day. I miss my man! Last night was brutal. The kids just seem to go to bed easier when he's home. Cade and Kelson was goofing off until past 8:30pm. I know what you're thinking, 8:30 isn't that bad. What you don't know is that my children usually are in bed and asleep before 7:30pm. I don't sleep at all when Cheeto is gone. I do ok if I'm the one traveling but if I'm the one home in our bed, forget it, I simply don't sleep. And for me not to sleep is highly unusual. I zonk out before 10pm every night. There are times Cheeto carries me to bed and I'm clueless the next morning. I will even wash my face and brush my teeth and not remember I did so. To say the least, I feel like I've been fighting a war all night. Kelson would wake up SCREAMING every hour or so. I finally just let him sleep with me. Analise woke up about 2am fussing. She fought it for a couple of hours then I brought her in bed too. That didn't last but 5 minutes. She did go back to sleep after I carried back to bed. Cade, my little sleeper champ, slept as usual. The first thing he asked this morning is why I didn't come get him to sleep with me in my bed. I told him it got a bit crowded last night. Our kids have always been good sleepers, but last night I got a taste of what my older sister does every night. DANG! I'm exhausted and feel like I'm getting Cheeto's sore throat. I'm just grateful I'm not a single mother with 3 children. Riding solo is rough! Leesa- how do you it with 7 so often? Perhaps, I'll get use to it. Cheeto is going to be traveling more and more. He's got another trip planned in a couple of week for Atlanta and that one could be as long as 3-4 days. OUCH! Today still has as many errands, but they tend to be a bit less serious compared to the NC DOR and the bank. My hope is for a nap this afternoon.

Arellano Update
Lettie and Kris are closing on their house tomorrow morning. Lettie has taken the day off work to move in. We are all excited for them. It's such a great feeling moving into a brand new house. Ok- I've only done it once, but it was still a great feeling. Cade and Kelson already think 2 of their bedrooms are for them. Cade keeps tell us we need a bigger house like Tia's. All in due time my friend is what I keep telling him.
Christensen Update
Mom and Dad are back in Orlando with Alyssa and Jeff. They are doing different attractions this time so it won't be repeater trip. They are having the kitchen redone while they are gone. Brave! Not much else to say about them. Life runs as usual for them.