Saturday, January 16, 2010

December 22, 2009

Damma and Dampa wanted a grandkids sleepover while Adam's kids were in town. We, the parents, were all for it! So all the "big" kids decided to go out to dinner. We went to Bistros. The food was alright, but the laughs were good, which is always the case when you get Cheeto and his brothers together.

Here is Adam... I have no words. He has a pretty pink camera. Cheeto asked him what the marine corp thought of his pink camera. His reply, "They pause for "Pink camera moments." He was being funny with the flower and forgot about. I believe he went the entire meal like this. It wasn't until he got a few looks that he realized that he had forgotten it was there. Ah to be a man that enjoys wearing pink flowers and carrying pink cameras. :)

Marcos was chewing, I think. If not, this is a classic Arellano thing...

I know for a fact that we caught Cheeto with food in his mouth.

Lettie wasn't crazy about her picture.

We went back to our house to play Guitar Hero. I finished some Chrsitmas presents. A2 isn't old enough to actually sleep at G'ma so we brought her back to our party. She isn't quite as attached to Haley as Sassy but she does love her Haley and loves helping her play the Wii.