Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Lots to Think about....

Sunday we had a combined Priesthood/Relief Society lesson, taught by our bishop. It left such an impression on me that even 2 days later, I'm still thinking about it. There were lots of things he talked about that had him concerned for our families. Lots of which are not even an issue like virtual gaming, tattooing, body piercing, same sex attraction, and delaying marriage/children (pretty much jumped into that one. :) ).
However, the others he mentioned have been weighing on my mind. He talked about how we are one day going to be held accountable for our children. Heavenly Father gave us these children to teach and to carry on the gospel from generation to generation. Bishop told a story about a girl he sat next to in college. They were the only two married with children in the class so they talked frequently. She found out Bishop was a member of the church and mentioned that her grandfather was a member but moved to Texas then fell away from the gospel. She was raised a strong, active baptist, nothing wrong with that, except that because of the actions of her grandfather she was never able to receive the blessings of the gospel. I do not want my grandchildren, great grandchildren to be denied those blessings because of something I did. It's such a responsibility placed upon our shoulders to make sure we teach these four children we have been given to be strong members of the church, to love their Savior, to gain their own testimonies and to want to carry on the gospel to their families. One day I will stand and be judged, I pray that it will be a good day and I can stand and be proud of what I have done. There are days now I believe I have failed.
Another subject he talked about was how so many of us are living in fear daily. Living in fear of the economy, crime, divorce, health, schools, and the education of our children. Hope is not something we often talk about in a real sense. We need to go forth with faith. To have faith that through staying righteous and doing what we are asked that Heavenly Father will take care of the rest. We need to make sure our children know that we walk in faith. So often I'm so guilty of living with fear. I lean on Cheeto's faith so much more than my own. How do I tell my kids to have faith when so often I don't have it myself? He also mentioned making sure our kids, specifically our boys, get a good education. Boys specifically because they will one day have the responsibility of "providing, presiding and protecting" their families. These are the sole roles of a husband and father, in that order. What a responsibililty I'm so glad I don't have. Cheeto is a fabulous man! :) I pray one day we will show C that learn can be fun. and will enjoy school.
C, for his homework last night, had to complete some sentences. To him they were just sentences, but they were really "get-to-know-you" questions. One was... I wish my mother__________. C wrote .... was fun. :( OUCH! Do I try so hard to make sure everything else is done that I forget to play with the kids? I feel like I sacrifice my time to spend with them doing fun things, planning day trips to Raleigh, camping trips, trips to the beach... yet still. I'm NO FUN!!! (sigh) Maybe these are just a glimpse of what his teenage years will be like. Another one of his sentences was... I wish I would never__________. He wrote.... get in trouble. C gets so frustrated sometimes and lashes out with anger. He has been growing out of it this past summer. He feels like if you ask him to stop doing something then he automatically in trouble. I hate that he feels like he is in trouble all of the time. However, it is still our responsibility to teach him to be a young man that respects and loves those around him, one that knows there is a time and place for joking and seriousness. This is not easily done the world today!!!!! So many of his friends, even adults, around him don't behave in such a way. K is starting to follow in his footsteps. I pray that we survive the next few years. I know with Cheeto by my side, all is well, but it sure isn't easy! Well, HE did say that it wouldn't but it would be worth it right?


Cyndie said...

I thought it was a good lesson, too. It gave me lots to think about--glad I'm not alone.

The Conrad Family said...

You and Cheeto are a good team! Your kids are lucky to have such good parents!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Shena!! Of course I remember you! I told Wendy congratulations for you! She finally got a facebook recently so add her!