Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Last Days of School

It was ridiculous how long school took get out this year. The 15th was our last day! Seriously way too long to be in school. C's teacher gave out awards the Friday before. C made me proud. Some awards were silly but I felt like C's was something of worth. He received the "friendship" award for always being a friend to everyone. His teacher told him that that is something that can't be taught. It's such a great quality to have. I have to say that C and K are really good about this. They rarely judge or make fun of others. They genuinely enjoy everyone around them- the exception being each other. ;)

I gave the boys the option of staying home on Monday. C IMMEDIATELY jumped at the chance. K, on the other hand, was kind of mad at me for even suggesting it. He said he wanted to go and learn more. And learn he did! NOT! I got a call about 8:30am- a recording from the principle saying that they believe the school was hit by lightening over the weekend and took out the air conditioning. It was pretty toasty! Cheeto was going to finishing paying some overdue lunches later in the day but after hearing this he said he would go a bit sooner so K wouldn't be sitting in the miserable heat. I was on my to Chapel Hill for a dr. appointment when Cheeto calls and tells me that when he got to the school there were fire trucks everywhere. Some one had let a balloon go in the gym. It got in one of the lights and started on fire. K usually eats lunch at 10:45am. It was 11:30am and still no one had been served lunch. The cafeteria is right next to the gym so it was affected by the fire commotion. There wasn't significant damage but still caused a ruckus. I asked K if he did a fire drill. He said, "NO! It wasn't a drill!" Silly me- wrong choice of words! He had quite the memorable last day of school. Not much learnin going on that day.

Funny Kid Quote of the Day