Thursday, June 11, 2009

A2 6 month Well-check

I know it's a month late but I just found the paper I wrote down all her stats on. Better late than never- right? She is growing way too fast. I have said that a thousand times, I know! Never ceases to amaze though. Before ya know it we will have all our kids out of diapers and car seats. Oh- that will be the day!

Our baby is growing like a weed!
15lbs 6 oz (40%) 26" long (50%) 16 1/2" head (25%)

It is rare that this child will eat from a spoon. She really has no interest in it yet. She will grab whatever of yours that is in front of her but spits a lot of her food out. SO FRUSTRATING! One night I decided to let her drink it. Hey-it was much faster and less messy.Whatever works!

I got her to sleep and sat her on the couch nest to me. She had the binky in her mouth one minute and the next I looked over and it was balanced perfectly on her forehead. She slept about an hour before it fell to the floor. Not sure how she managed to get it there. These are my guesses #1- she rubbed her face and it ended up there. #2- she spit it out and it landed there. My bets are leaning towards #1. Either way... pretty funny!

Funny Kid Quote of the Day
When my kids are grumpy I ask them, "Hey, are you wearing grumpy pants today? If you are, please change them!" A1 was ridiculously grumpy a few days ago. I asked her if she had on her grumpy pants. Her reply was, "Mom, I'm wearing shorts!"


Gordon, Jamie, Evelyn, Claire and Bonnie said...

Your little one is so cute! She has a very sweet smile and don't you just hate it that they get so big so fast!! She's a cutie!!!

Its All Good Ya'll said...

I love A1!!! She is so clever and you never know what is going to come out of her mouth...she cracks me up! I can't believe your baby is alreday 6 months old, mine just hit the 18month mark and I can't believe that either!