Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 19 - Riding with Papa

Being silly girls waiting for Papa to come pick us up.

My dad thinks its really odd that it's moments like these that I miss the most. I suppose it's because I loved sitting in the combine with him. It didn't matter what age I was. I remember sitting with him for hours as a little girl, sometimes even napping on that little seat lying on his shoulder. In high school I would take my homework and sit with him until dark and mom would call me in. And now as a mom, he allows me to haul all my kids to ride with him. I say it's them that really want to ride, but I'm pretty sure he knows that it's me that really wants the ride. My dad has the best job in the world. It is considered to be the 4th most dangerous job in America. And next to truck drivers, more farmers/ranchers are killed every year. But in my eyes, it's still the best. If I wanted to be with my dad, I simply had to jump in the truck with him. How many kids get to spend that amount of time with their father?
I was a lucky girl and still am! (Love you Daddy!)

As soon as that combine started to get close they seriously hung on to each other! They were both pretty scared. It was adorable to see them cling to each other rather than running to me.

A2 loved hanging out with Papa. She would ask all day, "Wa Papa? Wa Papa?" She was excited to see the man driving the scary big yellow machine had her Papa in it.
A2 wearing Papa's hat!

Sassy said we needed to take a picture of how the combine worked so she could show her brothers. Of course, they already knew from previous combine riding experiences but I'm sure there are a lot of people out there that still have no idea. So here is the ogger picking up the wheat.

A1 was amazed watching the combine unload "all that wheat" into the truck.

Being silly talking on the radio. I think she was trying to get G'ma to answer at the house
but she wasn't home.

After about 20 minutes, A2 was out! Such a good way to give your kid a nap!

Boys turn. However, dad was at the end of the field so they got Max to pick them up in the tracker pulling the grain cart. They were cool with that because they got to ride in more cool big farm machinery.

At the end of the day, our final good bye to the cousins. It was sad. We had such a great time!

One last ride in the rhino!