Friday, July 24, 2009

Funniest moments of the week

Funny Kid Quote of the Day
I have to make some quick kid quotes before I forget them all.

The "stuff" in our house drives me crazy!!! I decided to take an entire morning and "dig" out the boys bedroom- making them help me of course! I told A1 to start in her room. She so theatrically threw her hands in the air, stomped her little barefoot and said, "Mom- it's all crap and I don't need it. So you can have it!" Oh my.... ah- no she didn't! You can only imagine how I reacted and trying to hold it together. It was so dang funny how she said it that I had a hard time keeping a straight face as I sent her to a time-out for her talking to me like that! About half way through the boys room, I noticed a ton of paper just shoved behind their dresser. I pulled it away from the wall and told C to start pulling everything from behind their and throw it away. His reply was, "Mom- I think we could be on "Dirty Jobs."

We were reading a book about the liberty bell. It was talking about the Redcoats and Patriots. K asked what a Patriot was. C said, "I know! They are a football team and we DON'T LIKE THEM!!!" WOW- what has my husband done to my child!


Allison said...


Melissa said...

Too funny! I'm thrilled someone else is feeling like me...AUGH, stuff everywhere. This week I am going to organize my "junk" drawer. Seriously, it's pathetic that I even have a drawer labeled after all our junk. Also I am planning to tackle my linen closet. I'm off in a little while to buy baskets. We will have to compare later...