Friday, July 24, 2009
Funniest moments of the week
Funny Kid Quote of the Day
I have to make some quick kid quotes before I forget them all.
The "stuff" in our house drives me crazy!!! I decided to take an entire morning and "dig" out the boys bedroom- making them help me of course! I told A1 to start in her room. She so theatrically threw her hands in the air, stomped her little barefoot and said, "Mom- it's all crap and I don't need it. So you can have it!" Oh my.... ah- no she didn't! You can only imagine how I reacted and trying to hold it together. It was so dang funny how she said it that I had a hard time keeping a straight face as I sent her to a time-out for her talking to me like that! About half way through the boys room, I noticed a ton of paper just shoved behind their dresser. I pulled it away from the wall and told C to start pulling everything from behind their and throw it away. His reply was, "Mom- I think we could be on "Dirty Jobs."
We were reading a book about the liberty bell. It was talking about the Redcoats and Patriots. K asked what a Patriot was. C said, "I know! They are a football team and we DON'T LIKE THEM!!!" WOW- what has my husband done to my child!
Posted by Shena at 8:57 PM 2 comments
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Isn't it just my luck...
Yesterday I was mowing at Cheeto's Tia's house. Their house is next to his cousin's house, thankfully! I hadn't been mowing but 2 minutes when I mowed over a wasp nest. I felt something sting my leg. I looked down and it looked like a splinter or something in my leg. My first thought was, "Man, that piece of wood really hurts!" Then I realized my pants were covered with wasps. Cade was standing right next to me when it happened. I told him to get away. I tried to brush off as many as I could from my pants but some still got me. I have never been stung before by anything so I had no idea if I was allergic or not. One of their daughters saw me so she ran to get her parents. All they had was children's benedryl so they just told me to take a couple of big gulps just in case. He pulled out some of the stingers- if they were stingers- I don't know. C was great. He got K and A1 rounded up and helped me to the car. A2 was at a friend's house so we had to go get her before heading home. Cheeto was not answering his phone which lead me to believe he was in a meeting. I called him a couple more times hoping he would get the idea that something was wrong. He ended up being K'ville so it would take him at least 30 minutes to get home. By this time I was really hurting. I had no idea they would hurt so bad. Mom and Dad weren't home so I, for the first time, called my visiting teacher for help. I was so glad she lives so close. She ran and got me some benedryl. The rest of the day was pretty rough. I was grateful that Cheeto was able to clear his schedule for the remainder of the day. The benedryl knocked me out for part of the afternoon.When I woke up Cheeto was getting the kids ready for "Cow Appreciation Day" at Chik-fil-A. If you dress up like a cow you get a free sandwich. C and K really got into the dressing up. This is exactly what K lives for- taping costumes together. K is the king of taping! The kids were so cute!They ended up getting their entire meals for free. What a great day for a free meal. This made an easy, inexpensive dinner for Cheeto "not" to fix. :) I made it through the night- barely. As long as I have ice packs on the bites it's not too bad. But when they have to go back in the freezer, the pain is back. I woke up about every 2 hours. Cheeto read somewhere that sometimes the stinging will last up to 24 hours. I was hoping that it would be the 1-2 hours, but now that the 24 hour mark is 4 hours away, I'm hoping it's close to the 24 hours and not 48 now. ARGH! This pain sucks- reminds me of when I had shingles 8 years ago. Those sucked too! I know I have said it before but... CHEETO IS JUST AWESOME! The kids have been very helpful too. C stepped right in yesterday and got lunch for the younger ones, calmed A2 down when I couldn't, and constantly asked me if I needed anything. He is really growing up to be quite the little man. He does have some fabulous men to look up to. I'm hoping that I feel well enough to go to church tomorrow.
Posted by Shena at 7:51 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Happy Father's day - a month late. :(
I know it's late but I still wanted to post the pictures. Cheeto was stressed that morning because the house wasn't as organized as he would have liked. He wasn't real thrilled that I wanted to still take a picture. A2 shared his enthusiasm as well. So I had to try and get a better one of her after church. SUCCESS!
You are an incredible father and husband.
I'm so blessed to have you in my life! I love you forever and always!
Posted by Shena at 8:04 AM 0 comments
oh- how they love their little sister
A week or so ago, this is what I woke up to find. Is there such a thing of loving on the baby too much? A2's siblings fight over her all the time. She seems pretty content with all the attention on this particular day. :)
Funny Kid Quote of the Day
Yesterday we were standing in the checkout at the grocery store when C asks, "Mom, was Michael Jackson a boy or a girl?" The gentleman checking us out was an African American. He just busted up laughing and said, "Son, that is a loaded question and it depends who you ask. Only in America can you be born a black man and die a white woman." C was so confused.
Posted by Shena at 7:50 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
July 4th
We had a great 4th! For the most part, everyone got along. :) Got to love it when that happens. We did it all from the parade, to the BBQ, to the fireworks. The boys stayed and took in the Fun Fourth Festival for most of the day. I wasn't feeling the greatest so it was a blessing that I had to come home and make rolls and dessert for dinner. We tried a new recipe for dinner. BBQ pulled pork in the crockpot. SO YUMMY! I made the traditional flag fruit cake (one of Cheeto's favorites) and "Audra" rolls- also- SO YUMMY! We had a great spot to watch the fireworks until it was time to drive home. We ended up getting stuck in the parking lot for more than an hour. Not a single car moved the entire time. Never really found out why-but it made a great story to tell afterward. It was after 11:30pm before we got the ninos to bed. Was a great day!
She surprised us, she was more scared of L and K's dog than she was of all the fireworks. :)
Posted by Shena at 3:05 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 03, 2009
Happy 4th!
I have much to be grateful for. I'm so grateful for all those you have fought and sacrificed for all of our freedoms. It for sure wasn't given to us! So many "fought" for it- for me! So easily is that forgotten! I hope we can remember this in all our celebrating tomorrow.
“I was stirred in my heart by the words of our late, great President Harold B. Lee, who, speaking to a group such as this, said: “‘This nation, founded on principles laid down by men whom God raised up, will never fail…. I have faith in America. You and I must have faith in America if we understand the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ.’ - President Gordon B Hinckley (Deseret News: Oct 1973)
Posted by Shena at 2:15 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Mommy brain
Cheeto argues with me about there not being any such thing. However, I believe I have "mommy brain" way more than my fair share. Well, I suppose you have to multiply it by 4 resulting in some of the dumb things I do. This past week has been exactly that. My neighbors have given us zucchini from their garden for the past 3 summers. She brought over a bag full of them, or so I thought. I had some I had bought in the fridge as well, so I decided to make some bread. After grating the 3 I had, I started the ones that my neighbor gave us, except once I peeled a portion of one I realized it wasn't a zucchini but rather a cucumber. OOPS! I wasn't going to throw out the bread I had already mixed, so I just picked out the cucumber part and thought it would be fine. For the most part they were, however, a bite here and there did have a hint of cucumber taste. :) Cheeto apologized but said he couldn't eat it. It wasn't so bad that I couldn't. I wasn't going to throw food away that was still edible. Oh well live and learn. I know how to identify a cucumber from a green zucchini now! After reading online, I'm definitely not the only one that has done this. I'm not feeling so silly anymore.
Two days ago I was going to make some bread dough in my bread maker. I put all the ingredients in and pressed start. Oddly, I decided to check on it about 10 minutes later. GOOD THING! I didn't notice that the arm that mixes it wasn't on. It wasn't being mixed at all. Thankfully I was able to tilt the container on its side, scrape back the ingredients enough to put the arm on without having to dumb all of it out into another bowl. Turn out to be fabulous, soft, moist bread! I wish that would be the outcome of all my mishaps!
Last night, I got home from Mom and Dad's and I couldn't get the key to unlock my front door. I was feeling pretty silly! Well, we finally got in the house. I had placed a bag full of piano books on the door knob so I wouldn't forget to take them to someone. The weight of the bag wouldn't allow the lock to turn. AH- Shena!
Funny Kid Quote of the Day
As I was trying to figure out how to get into the house last night, C says, "Oh well, we will just have to go to a hotel for the night." Like there wasn't at least 5 other family or friends that would come to our rescue. Silly C!
Posted by Shena at 12:17 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Feel the burn baby!
I LOVE this game. I don't care that many of you may make fun of me- ask me if I care? :) My fabulous sissy-in-law bought it a month or so ago. She lent it to me before she even had a chance to play it. Now she's saying she's giving it to me. Hmmm.. Yes... I'm thrilled to keep it, however, feel a bit guilty for accepting it. We will just have to see who wins that one.
I have only 3 workouts left to the 30 day challenge and I can really feel/see some results. I even got my size 4 shorts from a couple of summers ago on. Granted they don't fit exactly the same- but hey, I got them on and could wear them all day. I'll let you know why I love this game. There is a 30 day challenge workout on it where the workouts are already setup. I have yet to do the same workout twice. They are interactive of course. It's set up to target different muscle groups each day allowing your muscles to rest but still tone. They also combine/alternate cardio and strength training into each one. I've never been one to actually break out in a sweat- but have done many times with this. Yes- Shena was beading sweat- that doesn't usually happen after running 5 miles. There have been very few days that my legs haven't felt fatigued. The squats that I do on a daily basis is very often ridiculous! In my opinion- one of my favorite Wii games. Well worth the money! (even though it wasn't mine) However, like anything in life, you get out of it what you put into it. There are ways to easily cheat your way through it. I sometimes get to involved in the game. I know it's a game- but it's my workout and I might as well go all out for that 40 minutes-as silly as I may look doing it.
The kids even enjoy playing it. The boys love the sports games on it. It's a much easier for them to play than the Fit. I'm hoping I can keep it up and return to my pre-A2 body soon.
Funny Kid Quote of the Day
This has nothing to do with the wii but had to post it before I forget. A couple days ago C says, "Mom, we need a new and bigger house and fast!" I get real tired of the "we don't have enough" attitude that comes out in our kids. I snapped back saying, "We are fine! Daddy is working hard for everything we have and you should be more grateful!" C says, "I am grateful! You just say that our house is too small to have us kids running around screaming. I'm thinking if we get a bigger house then we could run around and scream. We wouldn't have to be quiet in the house. Just thinking of you Mom!"
Posted by Shena at 12:10 PM 3 comments