Thursday, August 23, 2007

Rexburg Temple in progress

Cheeto planned our anniversary trip to Idaho Falls and Rexburg. We enjoyed a relaxing morning wandering around Teton Mall in Idaho Falls. We then met up with Ed and Dede Plummer for lunch. They were on their way to Jackson Hole. It was bit out of their way, but we enjoyed seeing them for a bit. We then went headed for Rexburg where we visited the BYU- Idaho bookstore and campus. WOW! How it's changed since we attended there! We ate a "Gringo's" for dinner and went to Milhollow for yogurt. Took us back to our good ole' college days. We then drove up to the temple site. It sure stands out on the top of the hill. It's beautiful. So exciting for Rexburg to have a temple. The guys were working on the landscape so it should be finished soon. Cheeto. had gotten an awesome room for us to stay at. It was a place called "AmericInn." From the outside it looks just like a lodge-like Fairfield or something. But when he opened the door to our room, it was a theme room - the Mayan Suit. It was awesome. Let me just say- we rented some movies and stayed in the rest of the night! ;)
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