Thursday, August 23, 2007

Our visit to Grammy Clem's

We had planned to visit Grammy Clem and her husband Charles. Initially, we were suppose to have dinner with them the day Cheeto flew in. She made it sound like she lived pretty close to Adam in Layton. Well, she actually lives only a few miles from Erin in Orem. Needless to say, we tried to reschedule. We called and left messages but never heard back from Grammy. She still cooked a dinner that night and sad- but no one showed up to eat it. We rescheduled to try again on the Thursday night before we flew out. Adam, Melissa and their kids met us there as well. I'm sure Grammy and Charles were a bit overwhelmed with all the kids running around. We had a good time though. Our family had plans to meet Erin and Sky at the BYU Creamery for ice cream. I called Erin and she said they had a minor kitchen flood they had to clean up and her baby was spitting up terribly. Adam and Melissa said they would like to go. And of course, Grammy wanted to go. We had a 3 car train headed to the creamery. Cheeto was leading, then Charles, following up the rear was Adam. Charles had let about 3 car lengths space get between us. To make a long story shorter, Charles started following the wrong car and of course, Adam just kept following Charles. We called Adam and said we didn't turn at the light, he just started laughing because Charles was still following the wrong van. Adam just wouldn't quit laughing. Adam finally caught up with them and Melissa got into their car. We all got there safe, but it was a fun adventure! We all had some laughs that night!
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