Thursday, August 23, 2007

Putting up the flags for Allie's headstone

Thursday morning mom was taking us to Orem to spend the last fews days with Erin and her family. Just before we left the farm we put up the flag post and a flag Kelson and Cade had painted for August. This was the first time the boys had visited Allie's headstone. I think it made it more real from them. They have been asking more questions about the accident and how Allie lives with our Heavenly Father and other family members. Analise went right up to the headstone and touched Allie's picture. I think she somehow knows who Allie is.
Little spirits are such a sweet blessing.
Sad to say, but mom informed me not 3 days later the flag was missing when she drove by. She thinks the wind might have blown it off. Then 2 days later she noticed the flag pole was gone. She thinks someone either stole it or the ground keeper moved it to mow and didn't put it back or hit it while mowing and is going to replace it. I don't know... either way - it's pretty disappointing!
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