Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy 32 to me!

My man knows how to treat a girl right!
I had a dr. appt the morning of my birthday. It really wasn't a great morning to start "my" day. But when I came home there was a "surprise" from Cheeto. He was so sweet!

He also came home early from work to cook everyone dinner.
And he said this year, he was going to be good and actually take pictures of my party.
He took it to the extreme almost. I would feel bad leaving out his work of art.

As you can tell, there is a theme. Cheeto went around waiting to take pictures of people until they had a mouth full of spaghetti. LOL!

I hope Dad and Lettie don't kill me for posting these. :)

He was a little nicer to me. However, I look so TIRED!

K made me a fabulous an almost from scratch cinnamon-streusel cake. It was to DIE for!

Lots of excited helpers!
Birthday's are so fun with kids!
Thanks honey, for the fabulous day.

Ya, she watches me a lot. Above she is demonstrating her downward dog. And below she is doing what I do in p90x- leg raise and sweep it through to runner's pose. :)
Monkey see. Monkey do.

C and K bought themselves nanos last fall. Their nanos have video cameras on them. It's funny to see them video taping everything we do. They almost act like the paparazzi. LOL!


Lacey said...

Happy Birthday a little late! Looks like it was a good one. I have to laugh about the downward dog. I do P90X and every time I do that, my foot gets stuck on the swing through and I have to manually move it. Long legs are great but not when doing that! lol!

Carolina Chocolate said...

Happy Belated birthday! You look great!