Sunday, February 13, 2011

Poor baby!

A2 got a sinus infection in her eyes 3 weeks ago. We started the normal amoxicillin and on day 9 of her dosage she broke out with just a few spots on her tummy. Then within days she severely reacted to it. It was so hot to touch. But not once did she complain. She is a tough little girl!
When we went to the doctor she walked in the waiting room, raised her shirt and said, "Look at my chicken pox!" Everyone dispersed away from us immediately. I assured them were NOT chicken pox, but it didn't matter. They weren't coming near us. :)
It's been almost 2 weeks since her reaction and she still has some spots. Doctor's assure us that since it took 10 days for her to react to it that it's going to take awhile to get it out of her system.

Even covered in spots, she is still pretty darn adorable!
(but I'm her mother... what else am I suppose to think)
I think I got over imperfections when C was born with a huge birthmark that cover his hand up to his elbow. The boys keep asking when she will look like A2 again. I just told them she is still our baby girl no matter what she looks like. They were a little embarrassed to take her out in public the first few days.