Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Tie Dying Shirts and Camping... NOT!

So the plan was to dye shirts for our fun camping trip coming up with the entire family minus Haley and Marcos. However, once it came time for camping it was SO HOT we were all in agreement to do something else. The kids have really enjoyed their shirts though.
I used the boys undershirts that didn't make it through the orange crayon load of wash. Recycling shirts worked great. Even the girls used white shirts that were stained or otherwise non-wearable. I used a long-sleeved onsie that the sleeves were nasty. I just made ribbing and cut the sleeves off. So cute!

Such fun!

So instead of camping, Adam bought a iron yard fire pit thing. They have roasted many marshmallows and hot dogs in the past couple of weeks. We are pretty sure that's all the kids really wanted to do camping besides sleeping in a tent. They did have many sleepovers at G'ma's house together.

See how hot it was outside? Poor Sassy!

Crazy Lil' L!