Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Fourth of July Weekend

Our little monkeys
A2 and K are for sure the monkeys of our family. K lives for monkey bars. Since we have been doing P90X we have a pull-up bar in our office doorway. K can whip out pull ups like no other. And A2 can hang there on her own forever! For being so petite, she is a strong lil' stinker!

Playing in the dirt
(see Becky.... my kids do get dirty!)

A2 playing photographer

But no one would take a picture of her with me. So I had to do it.

The little girls in the dresses from H & M's wedding. I just finished L's dress about a week ago. She was so excited to have a dress that matched A1 and A2.
This has to be the goofiest family picture ever! Oh well, it documents that we were all together on the fourth of July. That's all that matters!

Daddy smooches!

I just married a hottie!

Someone was getting a little punchy. It was only 2.5 hours after his bedtime.

Showing off their light sticks. I tried taking a picture without the flash but it was a blur.

Like father, like son....

Dad, Mom, and Ash.
Mom g


Leticia said...

Love how the cousins have so much fun together!