Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Brotherly Love

One day last week, out of nowhere, A1 started running a fever. After taking some pain reliever, she was back to herself again. We were hanging out at grandmas when I hear, "A1 is THROWING UP!!!!" GREAT! I asked K for his undershirt, which he offers immediately with no questions. A1 really just wanted her daddy, but he was working. I needed to clean up the mess in the family room but she didn't want to be left alone in the bathroom. C, my little man that does not get affected by vomit, sat with her AND even "allowed" her to lay her head in his lap. That is something that would never happen on a normal day. But when I needed some help, my little men, were right there more than willing to do whatever was asked of them. There is a lot of comfort in such an experience. I have had many moments in the last month wondering what kind of mother I am. My kids seem to argue constantly about every little thing, even in public! I'm often humiliated. But after, this I know they genuinely love each other and will be there for one another when needed.


Leticia said...

So sweet! I love those kids.