Thursday, April 08, 2010

Colonial Williamsburg

My parents drove across country to hang out with us for spring break. They had some stops along the way to pick up parts for the farm. We have been talking about going to Williamsburg for a few years now. It finally worked out. We left Friday morning. Well, Mom, Dad and the older kids left Friday morning. Cheeto and I with A2 left towards the afternoon. It was very strange only dealing with one child. She slept most of the way but got a bit fussy towards the last 45 minutes. We don't have a dvd player for our car so this is my make-shift dvd player. I put my iTouch between the headrest and started a movie. It worked great. She was very content after this. :) I am a genius. HA HA!


We spent most the day Saturday touring Colonial Williamsburg. I had been there almost 12 years ago when I went a American/Church history tour with Ricks College. There really wasn't a lot for the kids to do but they were such little troopers and put up with it. It was a very cold day. The high was barely in the 40's. We huddled and cuddled to stay warm. A2 had the sweet ride all bundled up in her stroller. Ah.... the life as a baby!

Pretty cute right?

aaaaa..... not so cute! This little turkey colored up and down the stair case at the condo with a RED CRAYON!!!! C left the crayons out. They all went to take naps. Mom and I asked each other, where is A2 she is very quiet. AH OH!!!! Dangerous sound! Long story short, Cheeto and I ran to the store to get a Magic Eraser to clean it up. There was a $250 fine if you stained anything in the condo. YIKES!
Thank you Magic Eraser and MOM for helping me get it off the walls!
Such a cute little STINKER!


I took this picture of K looking out the window at the Magazine.
I LOVE IT! That is my sweet little boy!

We went to church Sunday morning and went back to finish walking around Colonial Williamsburg. It was a nice Sunday afternoon. I get frustrated sometimes because I take a lot of pictures of everything we do, however, I'm in very few of them. The only ones I get in are the ones I hand my camera to someone. I joke with Cheeto at times that our kids will grow up and look back at our family trip pics and say,"I remember mom being there but where is she in the pictures?" HAHA!!! So that's why I took a few of myself just to document that I was there! :) We had such a great time with the kids. Sunday we decided to let mom and dad do their own thing while Cheeto and I took the kids and let them look at what they wanted and as little and as long as they wanted. It was nice. I didn't feel like we were pushing mom and dad to rush their touring opportunity. We ended up getting done before them so we found a bench just at the end of Colonial Williamsburg and across the street from William and Mary.
It was GORGEOUS afternoon to sit and enjoy our kids and the sunshine!


Lyndzi said...
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Lyndzi said...

Look like fun. I'm sure the best part were the additions from Idaho. :)