Thursday, April 22, 2010
scouts is just fun!
Posted by Shena at 10:20 AM 1 comments
Piedmont Environmental Center
C had a field trip to the Piedmont Environmental Center. Cheeto prepared C by telling him not to believe ANYTHING they tell us. Sometimes I wonder about him- Cheeto; not C! Anywho... it turned out to simply be a North Carolina Social Studies/History field trip. We learned about North Carolina's state symbols, crops, weather, ya well... you get it... the environment. Hence, Piedmont ENVIRONMENTAL Center. :) We started with a nature walk on some trails. The students were asked to really use their senses on this walk so they could write a paper when they got back to school.
One child found this huge nest of caterpillars. C wanted me to get a close up picture to show his brother and sister. I noticed that all of the leaves had caterpillars hanging from them. So as I'm creeping under this tree getting a close up of the nest, a fly lands on my hand and makes me JUMP! The teacher and the kids in my group thought it was hilarious! Of course, it just gave me the heeby jeebies! How do you even spell that?
We then went to this huge, cement painted map of North Carolina. And because it rained the night before there was even water in it for the ocean. :) They divided the kids up to learn in depth about the 4 regions of North Carolina. I actually really enjoyed this part. I have lived here for almost 11 years and know little about North Carolina's leading crops, state symbols and such.
I really enjoy going on field trips with the boys. Thank you mom for always watching the girls and for Cheeto who works like crazy to allow me the opportunity to stay home with the kids! I am very blessed!
Posted by Shena at 10:00 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Quantico, VA
On day 5 of our trip we made the 2 hour drive north to Quantico,VA. Adam was graduating from officer something or other. I don't know the technical terms. :( But Wednesday was "Warrior Day", other words, bring your family and show them around. It turned out to be a VERY COLD, WINDY day. Cheeto hung his jacket on the door of the condo and "assumed" someone would see it and bring it. Nope... I saw it when we got back. Needless to say, he was chilly most of the day. The boys were super excited and wore themselves out looking at all of the guns, tanks, helicopters, obstacle course, and exhausting Tio Adam with lots of questions. I have to admit it was pretty darn cool when the 3 choppers landed. I love the sound of helicopters, especially really big ones. They allowed everyone to go inside each one. The kids were pushing buttons and leaving no stone unturned.
After lunch we boarded a bus and headed to the shooting range. When Adam asked us if we were interested in shooting some M16's, Cheeto and my dad jumped at the opportunity. About a week later, he talked me into it. I have to admit I was nervous. I AM NOT a huge fan of guns. When I was finished shooting my 10 rounds, my entire body was shaking. No future for me in any field that requires me to shoot guns. :) Nola's was hilarious. The helmet wasn't big enough so she couldn't buckle it on. Everytime she pulled the trigger her helmet would jolt, after about 3 rounds it fell off. The marine that was assisting her picked it up, put it back on, and then just held it on with his hand for the remaining 7 rounds. FUNNY! Sassy did not enjoy all the noise, even with her earplugs. They pretty much lined up 100's of family guests and we all took turns shooting. There was a lot going on. The boys thought it was awesome! After we got off the bus we went to the "on base" store. It was an interesting mix of everything. Mom's leg is still broken and she was tired from walking on it so we got her a wheelchair. Sassy said she was just as tired and climbed aboard. Those kids walked a lot that day. We really did have a fun day. THANKS ADAM!
We had an interesting ride home. For the first 60 miles we followed an idiot teenage driver that. He would speed up, pass a bunch of cars, then slam on his breaks in front of you. He was following (or was suppose to be following) another car. About 40 miles into our trip, we decided to call the "How's my driving" number on the back of his car. That was kind of fun- it was like tattling. :) About an hour later we had to stop for gas. We pulled into the gas station parking lot, and this car looked like she was pulling out and in a BIG hurry. Cheeto paused to let her pass, nope she took the last available gas pump. The one Cheeto was signaling to pull into. He, being Cheeto, had to roll down his window and say, "What the? I was here first." Her reply (with much attitude), " Nope, We got here at the same time." Her plates were from New York so Cheeto's comeback was, "Oh, go back to New York." She said, "I AM FROM HERE!!!!!!" Cheeto, "Whatever." So we drove around and got another pump and thought we were finished. I, of course, was telling Cheeto to back down and forget it. Well, my parents take the kids into the bathroom and I start to changed A2's diaper in the car. This lady and her attitude gets in Cheeto's face and says, "Say what you really meant. What you really meant was GO BACK TO AFRICA- right?" Oh did I forget to mention she was black. OH GEEZ.... come on. Then she said, "You are an embarrassment to you kids!" I finally said, "Everyone grow up and forget it. Go back to your car and forget it." She went inside to pay after this. There was a good southern man pumping gas next to Cheeto. He asked what that lady's problem was. Cheeto explained what happened. The guy said, "I was born and raised in these parts and I'm telling you, she is not how we act like here in Virginia!" Funny guy! I had to use the bathroom too so I had to walk past her. As I got in there, she was with her 2 DAUGHTERS!!! And she thought Cheeto was an embarrassment to his kids? WOW... some people this a days!!!! Cheeto may be a lot of things.... BUT RACIST IS NOT ONE OF THEM!!!!!
Posted by Shena at 6:33 PM 2 comments
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Spring Break- Day 3 and 4
Day 3 was spent driving around Virginia Beach, Newport News and Williamsburg. Later that night that Mom and I went shopping for at the outlets. Lots of cute stuff but spent little. It was so much fun to shop with my mom again. Oh how I miss shopping with her and my sisters! We had such fun "trips to town"!!! :) Anywhoo..... we got back, ate dinner and went to workout with Cheeto. Having "in-house" babysitting is AWESOME!!!Day 4 we found a museum that accepted our Natural Science Center membership so it was free for all of us. Right inside the door there was a flight simulator. Thankfully both boys were big enough to go without an adult. If you stop reading this post now... at least watch the video of them in the simulator. IT is HILARIOUS!!!! Listen really close and you can hear them screaming, laughing, and fighting with each other. Total AWESOMENESS!
I swear this child can't just smile for a picture anymore. He is for sure ready for the experience!
Inside the custard shop they had an entire wall covered in Chalkboard with thousands of signature and notes left from the customers. K and "G'ma" had to leave their mark. Look close.
And yes, I know I say that a lot!
Posted by Shena at 8:10 PM 0 comments
Colonial Williamsburg
I LOVE IT! That is my sweet little boy!
It was GORGEOUS afternoon to sit and enjoy our kids and the sunshine!
Posted by Shena at 8:56 AM 2 comments
Damma's Birthday
Mom wanted a "homemade" German chocolate cake for her birthday. I have never attempted such a thing. I was a bit nervous because I don't even like German Chocolate cake. Well, I guess she really just wanted "from scratch" frosting, not the nasty premade stuff you buy off the shelf. It tasted fine, i suppose. But I am NOT the one to be asking. K was singing Opera-like for her in this picture. It was pretty funny.
My parents got here the day before Mom's birthday. A1 found a friend where-ever there was food. You will see in future posts- what I mean.
Posted by Shena at 8:50 AM 0 comments
Discovery Place Charlotte
We decided to take the kids to Charlotte to the Discovery Place. Because we have a Natural Science Center membership we were able to go for FREE!!! Pretty much the reason we went. We packed lunches and at in the car. A1 likes to pack lunches because she feels older, because the boy's "get" to pack a lunch for school and work every day.
I'm very serious.... I want one in my house!
This room was fully of physic experiments and science stuff. C and A1 thought this center was lots of fun. You had to jump and sit on this seat things, it would push air through the tubes and make a ball hit a bell at the time. A1 couldn't jump hard enough to get her ball hit the bell. C was pretty close. Sorry for the motion sickness at the beginning.
I bumped into someone while I was filming. :) OOPS!
Posted by Shena at 8:03 AM 1 comments