Friday, November 13, 2009

thought these were super crazy

This is the outside of a public restroom.
This is the inside look of the same restroom.
Restrooms are not to be made with one-way glass!
I'm sorry but is it just me that would not be able to actually use this toilet?
I suppose if desperate measures were called for I could.
This is quite the painting on the floor of a residential bathroom.
Puts a little things in perspective doesn't it?

Funny Kid Quote of the Day
A2 loves to pull clothes out of my clothes baskets, doesn't matter if they are dirty or clean. The other night I was folding a TON of laundry when my little friend came to help. She stood there for a moment, picked up a single sock and grunted, "er." She repeated this many times, actually for the remainder of the basket. K saw what she was doing and saying and yelled, "C come here! A2 is human now!"

Today the older kids went to the dentist. A1's hygientist was talking up a storm with her. I'm not sure what the lady asked her specifically but it was something about brushing teeth in the morning and what goes on in the morning. A1's response was,"Well, C and K eat their breakfast and mommy says it takes them too long. I help mommy make their lunches because school lunches could kill a kid. (Can't imagine where she heard that. :) ) Then my daddy wakes up so we can say prayers. When the boys get on the bus I get to eat my cereal but I never finish what I eat and my mommy gets mad so I can't have a snack and NOTHING until lunch. After that, mommy works out and gets stinky. Daddy takes a LOOONNNNGGG shower and puts on his church clothes every day! And then he kisses us dirls goodbye and he goes to work. OH... I forget to brush my teeth but my boys brush their teeth EVERY morning." PHEW.... that was a long response huh.... exactly what I though too. Then the lady asked her who her daddy worked for . A1 looks at her almost like she was asking a dumb question and says"He works for money."