Thursday, May 05, 2011

Pinewood Derby 2011

sigh... Oh the glorious pinewood derby. Don't get me wrong it's a good activity for the boys but every years it's something. This year Cheeto was so busy it was hard to get him and C to work on it together. C looked at a bunch of different styles online and chose to make one that looked like a military hum-V. So I helped him trace it on the block of wood to be cut for scout night. Then the next scout activity was to paint it. Well, Cheeto and C had yet to do weigh it or drill holes, etc. Cheeto said we did it all backwards, but what was I suppose to do- not let him paint it because he hadn't done anything else to it. Then everyone (C included) got on ME for cutting it out wrong and that it wasn't going to be very aerodynamic. I simple said, "I didn't choose the design. I did as I was asked. That's it."

So C procrastinated and it was the night of and they were still trying to weight it down and weigh it to that precise 5 oz. UGH! C was all upset saying it's a crappy car, he wasn't going to a THING, that next year he didn't want mom or dad's help, and didn't even want to participate. I gave him the speech that it's all in fun and please be a good sport regardless of what happens. With a frown on his face and frustrated we started the race....

There was some major issues with the track. Cars would literally jump off the track at the same point each time. Here is Cheeto inspecting the track... not that he had a say in how to fix it. But still a curious Cheeto. :)


Some intense competition....
but good sportsmanship goes a long way...

Earlier in the evening we had to take C aside once to get his behavior in check. He as upset about losing then overly excited about winning. (SIGH) This is his in between excitement. :)

First place.... VICTORY!

Ya... he said sorry to mom and dad pretty quick afterwards.