Tuesday, May 03, 2011

First Belt test

The boys had noticed a karate place opening up really close to us. Every time we drove by they would ask if we could check it out. So when we got information in the mail for a discovery class we let them try it. They LOVED it! It was so funny to watch them. They could NOT wipe the smile of their little faces. I was so impressed with the discipline that Master Mattevi expects from his students and his teaching manner that we had to find the money to allow the boys to study under him. It's expensive but SO worth it. It has help C on so many levels. That would a post all of it's own. I cannot say enough how much we have benefited from taking the boys there and how much the boys LOVE it! I would recommend Master Mattevi to anyone!

In March the boys were able to test for their yellow belt. C has always been one that got really nervous in front of a crowd or knowing he was being "tested". Even with a room full of parents watching he did AWESOME! They both did. I was just more worried about C.

Performing their first form for testing
C sweating like crazy! ;) He worked so hard!

K sparing

Master Mattevi presenting the boys with their yellow belts.