Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Egg Drop

Egg Drop Semi-finals
We had signed up and then totally forgot about the egg drop event at school. At the last minute we came up with the idea. Both boys constructed similar drop containers. A shoe box lined with bubble wrap, a zip-lock wrapped with shipping tape, and filled with flour, with a jewelry bag to put the egg in. It was pretty heavy but survive every drop, even on the final day when they dropped them from the roof of the school. Both boys were pretty proud and happy they participated.

Drop 1
Drop 2
Drop 3
C advances to the roof drop

I was told that K would be dropping his at 9:30am. I got there at 9:15am and walked up to see him walking back inside the school with his class. They moved up the times and I completely missed his drop. :(


K's goes first.....

It survived!!!!!

The distracted gallery. She was actually listening to "Wicked" music on my phone.
It's her favorite!
My hottie husband.... in a black suit even!
C's turn.....
Phew... his made it through too!

Two happy blue ribbon winners!