Sunday, May 09, 2010

Almost forgot Busch Gardens

Sesame Street Forest of Fun

The boys on a "mini" version of a big ride. Can't remember the name of them though...
Even our Sassy was able to ride. She was hilariously, nervously giggling the entire time.

Whirly Worms just went in a circle. Cheeto and I were sick before we got off.
The kids loved it! We looked over at one point and saw poor A2 trying her hardest to get through the gate. She was sad she didn't get to ride the rides.

Sassy's favorite is Zoe.


A2 wasn't quite sure what to think.

G'ma and A2 waiting for their lunch. I love this picture!
BUMPER CARS...Mom and dad wanted to go see a River Dance Show. It was A2's nap time so they took her while Cheeto and I took the 3 older ones and went ride hopping. For about 2 hours we got a glimpse of what it would be like with no strollers, sippy cups, and diapers. It was SO NICE!!!!
Their "I'm gonna get YOU!" game faces...

Swing time

Cheeto said that K had a death grip on the swing.

Big boy riding all by himself.

Sassy giggled the entire time.

Of course, like always, in order to get a picture of me to prove I was there...
I have to take one myself.

The last train ride of the day. We were pretty darn tired. It's hard to work to play hard!

It was mom's birthday that day. We went to IHOP for her birthday. We had gone there the night before it tasted great and it made the kids happy. It also helped that kids eat free Monday thru Friday. Can you tell they were worn out from the day at Busch Gardens as well?

Mom wanted to celebrate K's birthday with hers. So she got a cake with his name on it too.

What a fun looking cake!

Mom sneaking peaks at her present from us.

Cheeto got a raccoon sunburn from his sunglasses. He was refusing a picture.

How ever after giving the camera to C, chasing down Cheeto, some tackling and much protest we got ONE before my camera died. :) SUCCESS!