Monday, March 15, 2010

Girls new Dresses

First of all thank you Becky for the fabulous idea! Second of all.... big thanks to Erin for all the nagging phone calls and help to make the bodice work! You were so helpful in giving me ideas to make them both different and unique! You both RoCK!! I am blessed with awesome sisters!
This is officially A2's first very own handmade dress I have made her. I have been a major slacker on her homemade wardrobe. I feel like she has so many clothes from A1 that I made that I hate spending the money on new things for her. I hate the way that sounds but I'm a VERY thrifty soul and feel like it's a waste. However, I am also EXTREMELY sentimental! EXTREMELY!!!!!!Years from now, I have to be able to give her something that I made especially with her in mind. One down... many to go!
So stinking cute! I had this fabric way before I ever had a daughter; thinking someday it would make some adorable dresses. So happy that I was blessed with 2 of them!
So blessed that she will wear my homemade things. She enjoys being measured and getting "fittings" as I go. She is becoming such a little lady!
These dresses were just meant to be. I even had the EXACT amount of 3" brown satin ribbon, with none to spare! I got it on a clearance rack months ago for $2. I think it just finishes the dress. I only had to buy the yarn. And because I couldn't find just the "right" color at ACMoore or Michael's, I found a FABULOUS little yarn shop in town. It's dangerously too close! Seriously.... it's knitting PARADISE!!! A little more expensive but for little projects... SO MUCH FUN!

Funny Kid Quote of the Day
About a week ago, A1 and I were running some errands, and this was our conversation that lasted for about 20 minutes.
A1: "Mom, I think I knows what I want to be?"
Mom: "What do you mean?"
A1: " Ya know.. when I grow up. I know what I want to do for my work."
Mom: "Oh! What's that?"
A1: "I'm going to shop. Like for people. They will pay me to shop for them. I will have coupons and get things for only dollars- just like you. They will love it and will pay me LOTS!"
Mom: "Hey... that sounds like a plan. But you're young, don't set your mind for only one job for right now. Things change as your grow."
A1: "Ya, that's true. How old will I be when I grow up?"
Mom: "You get a year older every year honey."
A1: "Oh yeah. On my birthday, right Mommy?"
Mom: "Yep." (long pause......)
A1: "Mom, was the floor hard when you got married?"
Mom: "What do you mean? We got married in the temple."
A1: "I know! In Logan! I know that! But was the floor hard?"
Mom: "I don't understand what you're asking. The floor is hard when you walk in but the temple has beautiful carpets on the inside."
A1: "Mom, I want to know if the floor was hard because I don't want (insert boys name here) to drop me when we dance like the boys and girls on Dancing with the Stars and he throws me up and between his legs because that would hurt. I don't want to be on hard floors!"
Mom: (laughing very quietly!!!!) "Sassy, you don't dance inside the temple. You can dance at your "party" after the temple. And I'm sure whomever you marry, they will be very strong and will never let you fall. At least not on purpose anyway!"
A1: "Promise mommy?"
Mom: "I promise Sassy! You have to make sure you date lots and find the right man for you. But you really shouldn't worry about these kinds of things for now. Just be a kid and have fun! Things are always changing."
A1: (BIG SIGH!!!!) "OK mom!"


Cathy said...

That is so funny! I love the things kids come up with. And those dresses were adorable yesterday.

Tia J said...

Your dresses were so fun! You have such an amazing talent with making things.
Sassy is hilarious!

Melissa said...

LOVE the dresses! Please tell me you used a pattern. I was considering making easter dresses for my girls and I think you may have just been the deciding factor. Thanks for the motivation!

Oh and if you did use a pattern, where did you find it?

AdAmy said...

Wish I were as talented! Great job on the dresses, Shena... the girls are beautiful too!