Monday, October 12, 2009

What can I say...

A2 is just A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!
She truly brings us so much happiness.
Her first tooth made it's appearance today. We were all excited. The older kids had to stick their finger in her mouth for a feel. Only after they washed their hands, of course!
Cheeto put her in a swing for the first time the other day. As you can see from this picture, She was so scared that she held her breath. Sorry she was obviously in motion so the picture is blury.
After about 5 minutes,she was one little happy camper! Like her big sister, she LOVES to swing!

I noticed that A2 started doing this a couple of weeks ago. She does it at random times.
She just sits and walks herself in circles for fun.


Lyndzi said...

Funny video :)

Allison said...

Incredibly adorable!