Sunday, October 11, 2009

Roadside Cleanup Excitement

One of the final things C had to do to earn his Wolf badge was to do a roadside clean up. We live fairly close to a busy street and lots of trash gets dumped on that busy corner. The kids really did have a great time. We did find a few things in our adventure. C found a snake under a smashed milk carton. Thank goodness it was a little one or I would have been done! :) I DON'T DO SNAKES! Only if to save my child or husband! K said he found a bag. Cheeto said to leave it and he would get it. It was a make-up bag. We just tossed it in the big bag full of trash. We had HUGE rain storm come throw only about 30 minutes before we started our clean up so even though everything was wet and nasty; we still had to do it so C would finish in time. Next thing we found was a business card box full of lost of little papers and lots of magits. GROSS! Well, the best had yet to come. Not 3 feet further up the road, C yells out that he found another bag. Cheeto again said to leave it and he would take care of it. It was a purse this time. It had identification in it, some jewerly and lots of magits. Right next to the purse was some jeans. My first thought was to keep the children moving. I didn't want 6 little eyes to see something that would haunt them for years. I never did see inside the bag, just trusted Cheeto to take care of it. He called the GPD and asked if they wanted to come and get it. Because of the huge rain storm, thousands of residents were without power and taking care of trees down in streets and such. It took awhile for them to come. It was about 10:30pm when an officer shows up at our door. Cheeto was at a friend's house watch Monday night football. I couldn't believe how nervous I got talking to a police man. I'm sure I could have looked guilty with as bad as my nerves were. Why? I have no idea! He said he would take the bag, my information and let me know if he needed anything else. He said if the owner couldn't be reached the bag would be filed as evidence. We haven't heard anything. I'm so grateful that's all we found. When I told my mom she said, "Geez, Shena... What if you found a body?" Thanks mom! Way to give me nightmares!


Gordon, Jamie, Evelyn, Claire and Bonnie said...

that is crazy! As I was reading I kept thinking "please don't tell me you found a body!!" good thing you didn't!!!!! EW!