Thursday, December 20, 2007

Ward Christmas Party

There is a child of ours that loves to participate in such things! There was no way Cade was going to do the Nativity Play at the Ward Christmas party, but Kelson was so excited. He made me laugh. Anytime anyone would ask him if he was excited to be a 'sheep' he would get so upset and inform very sternly that he was NOT A SHEEP, he was lamb, like the Lamb of God! He listens very well in primary! What was so funny about the whole thing is that so many came up and told me how gracefully he crawls. I laughed right out loud. Kelson pretends he's our pet dog most of the time. Once you pet his head he'll turn around and go to someone else. It's quite funny. He made a perfect 'lamb'.

This is just 4 adults trying to entertain some kids after dinner. We pulled out the camera and of course they all say cheese! Except for Cade, I had to force him to smile! Literally!