Tuesday, October 11, 2005

sickness and parties

Work & Play We have had an interesting couple of days. Friday Cheeto had a Elders Quorum social and Ed Plummer's home. They grilled hamburgers and such. Just a guys night out. Even guys need those once in awhile. Cheeto said he felt good about the turn out and they seemed to have a good time. I stayed home and had a "party" with my boys. We had dinner, made halloween sugar cookies, rented "Are We There Yet?" to watch. I was surprised that Kelson sat on the couch with Cade and I for the entire movie. Saturday was both busy and lazy. In the morning we had a baptism at 9am. We had a fun time trying to convince the boys we weren't going to church per say, but we were going to the church. Cade knew who Tanner was ( he was the boy getting baptized) so he was more excited once he figured that out. They were pretty good. Kelson didn't want to see him get in the water and such but once he saw it happen then he thought that Tanner was just taking a bath. Kelson proceeded to fuzz about wanting to take a bath at the church baptismal font. Cheeto had to take him out for the remainder of the baptism. Even at church on Sunday when we walked past the font- doors closed of course, he kept asking to take a bath. Funny kid!
We went to Costco afterwards to get the weekly supplies. Once we got home we just chilled. Cheeto had some work to do in the office and the boys and I stayed home and napped and such. I had a girl's night with my friends at Lucky 32. Leesa went in yesterday for an induction labor. We were celebrating her last night as a pregnant woman. We had lots of fun and good laughs. I have such good friends. Leesa likes to be surprised- so making her gift was a challenge. Much easier when you know the sex of the child. We all found good ideas around it though.
Sunday was church as usual. We invited the Witbeck's over for dinner. It was fun to get to know the people my brother grew so fond of on his mission. Cade and Kelson had fun playing with their little boy, Hayden. Cheeto watched the Panther's game later and then we watched "Coach Carter" together after the boys went to bed. Cheeto had to go out at 10pm to run an Elders Quorum president duty. He did it very willingly. I'm so proud with the positive, head-strong attitude that he approached this calling with. I know he doesn't "enjoy" all of it, but he really seems to be doing a great job.
ps. WE HAVE GRASS!!!! It's only been a week and there is bunch of grass filling in out there. We planned that one perfectly. It has rained a bit everyday since they planted it. I'm so excited. I'm getting a backyard for our boys!!!!

Cade's News Cade was going to have his first field trip Saturday but was canceled due to rain. I had already arranged for Nippy to watch Kelson, so instead of canceling my sitter for the entire day, Nippy still watched Kelson so I could go help in Cade's classroom. His assistant teacher had to return to Peru for a family issue. Sra. Castro has been in dire need of help. I truly enjoyed helping. My favorite part of the experience was to see Cade's face light up when I walked in the door. He said, "Hey, that's my mom!" Made me feel so proud. I told Cheeto I better enjoy it because a few years from now he'll be embarrassed to admit he even has a mother. ;) Cade came home thursday with a minor cough- it persisted through the weekend and finally took him to the doctor this morning. He woke up saying he was too sick to go to school. I said to Cheeto, "Let's take them to the doctor." Cade immediately started feeling better. :) The perfect kid response to going to the doctor. His last doctor visit was for his kindergarten shots, so I can understand why he wasn't eager to go. I explained that all the doctor would do was listen to his heart and lungs and look in his ears, nose, and mouth. I asked him if he enjoyed coughing all day. He said, "NO!" So after that he was more willing to go. Cheeto went with us just in case we decided to send Cade to school afterwards and in case I needed some reinforcement! Cade was such a big boy. I thought it would've be Cade that we would have to fight with, but it was actually Kelson that needed the comfort. They both were very good boys! Found out that his airways would just tight and needed some help opening up to allow the mucus stuff to pass. He just has to take an antihistamine/decongestant with some cough syrup!

Kelson's Adventures Kelson talked Nippy into a "Happy Meal" from McDonalds. So I picked him at the McDonald's on Battleground and West Ridge. Nippy and I both were curious to see Kelson's reaction to being left with her. He was fine, more than fine actually. He went with her and Tia to run some errands. She said he fell asleep for a bit and woke up hungry. Of course the kid is going to like her if she buys him McDonalds. Nippy ain't stupid! :) Sunday night Kelson woke up at 2am with a raspy cough and labored breathing. I have never heard a child breath like that. It kinda gave Cheeto and I both a scare. We made it through that night. I was sure that a humitifier and some cough syrup would make him through this cough. We were up with him again all night last night. I tried to allow Cheeto more sleep because he had to go to work. Cheeto doesn't sleep well when the rest of us are healthy and happily sleeping without nightmares and such. He still didn't sleep well, but at least he got a little bit. We had the boys at the doctor by 9am. Kelson is on 3 or 4 medications. Some over-the-counter and some prescription. He didn't weigh enough to take all over-the-counter. It's been a struggle today to keep those two boys calm and not running around the house. Cade understood a bit more than Kelson did. He would be weasing and cough but still wanting to run around playing baseball and football. Silly kid!

Arellano Update We have only talked to them a couple of times. Seem to be having a wonderful time. Said they were grateful for taking umbrellas and jackets. Wet and cold! Well, Nola said chilly, but that's Nola. ;)

Christensen Update
Mom, dad, and Ryan made it back from Canada. Still working on golf course stuff and prepping for the winter months. Ryan said that it has turned real cold. I wish it would do that here. I need a season change. My maternity clothes are mostly winter clothes. Kyle is working laying hard wood through their hall and living room. Finding ways to always improve their home. They always find ways to stay super busy!