Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Miniature Train Set

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)

Sorry about the weird font. Something's up with Blogger and I don't have time to try to fix it.

So far so good with the early rising. I've set my alarm each day for 2 minutes earlier than the day before. 6:01 this morning.

We had a good time last night for FHE. Grandma A. picked up Little Caesar's, then we headed over to Larry Miller's (Stu's dad's). Marcos had told us the other night that he had a great big train set in his basement. We thought the boys would like it. You should have seen the boys faces when they saw what he had set up. Cade went nuts...big grin, "oooooooooohhhh." He had about six different tracks. He had a Polar Express "D" scale hanging from the ceiling that the boys could see right up close if they sat on the stairs. He also had a great big "L" shaped setup that had 3 different scale models (Lionel, HO & N). It was pretty cool. I know there were several pictures taken, so I will be sure to include them. He also had a bellows looking train whistle that Cade loved too. I think he was more excited about the whistle than the trains themselves. He would have just made the whistle blow all evening if we would let him - but it was a pretty loud whistle and he was getting a bit rough with it.

Kelson had his first trip to the dentist this morning. He had been before, just not as a patient, so he was familiar with the place, but he did a GREAT job. He was a little nervous when they laid the chair back...he had a death grip on the arm rests, like he was going to fall out of the chair if he didn't. But otherwise he did a great job. Listened to the assistant, opened and closed like he was supposed to, etc.

Cade on the other hand, had a rough time. He didn't cooperate much. He didn't pitch a fit, just wouldn't open his mouth until the actual dentist came over. They've tried to get x-rays the last couple of times he was there, but he won't let them. He gags on the things they put in his mouth and I think it freaks him out. The good news is neither of them had cavities. That's easier on my pocketbook.

Dad should be home from Mexico today after being there since the end of January. When Marcos told Cade he was coming, Cade looked like he didn't believe him. I guess is been that long.

Marcos and Stu went to eat lunch with Cade (they took him an egg sandwich, which is Cade's favorite when Tio goes to eat with him), then he stopped and picked me up and we went and got Kelson and took Kelson to lunch at Chik-fil-A. Best part was Marcos actually paid. I'm always up for lunch when somebody else is paying.