Friday, April 07, 2006

"Attacking, the Lamanites are"

I know, I'm a loser. I never write anymore...not that any of you care. But I had to share a funny story from Wednesday night.

We had the missionaries over for dinner. Afterwards, they gave a quick lesson that included some laminated artwork. The gist of the story was about the Nephites building up the defenses around their city to protect themselves from the Lamanites. They talked about building a big, huge wall of dirt, with a fence on top, with pointy sticks.

One of the missionaries asked Cade: "Do you think that would keep the Lamanites out of the city?"

Cade: "Nope!"

Elder: "You don't? How would the Lamanites get in?"

Cade: "Ummm...first they would get their light sabres, and knock down the doors!"

Whhhhhhhaaaaaaatttt? What in the world does Cade know about light sabres? He's never seen any of the Star Wars movies. I've only dressed up like Darth Vader once (that he's seen)...and I didn't even have my official "Luke Skywalker Limited Edition Replica Light Sabre" on me at the time.

I guess he picked it up from the hours that Adam, Marcos and I spent playing the Play Station 2 game over Christmas.

We (including Grandma "A") tried not to laugh AT him, but it was pretty dang funny.

--May the force be with you...always.--